How you view yourself determines your success!
See how easily you can move into a positive future!

(YES! This Works Even If You've Tried Everything Else And Failed In The Past)

 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please 
Wait For Video To Fully Load)

Neal Has Been Featured On:

Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor Has Also Been Mentioned On:

Teachers & School Librarians have taken it upon themselves to teach The Doorway to their classes after reading the book.

One teacher told The Crazy Inventor that there was an audible groan from the children when she told them she had to end The Doorway lesson for the day.

The Crazy Inventor taught class at St. Mary Of The Snow, Saugerties, NY – The Crazy Inventor was told that in two hours he reached students that they hadn’t been able to reach in years.

B&N bookstore, Kingston, NY felt that The Crazy Inventor’s message was so important they asked him to come teach the class a second time to the public.

The Crazy Inventor has been asked to speak at Woodstock, NY Book Day on an ongoing basis.

The Crazy Inventor spoke at Hurley Library, Hurley, NY – They want him to come back and teach The Doorway class.

The Crazy Inventor presented The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom at the Catskill Mountain Book Festival.

Elizabeth Miles from The Power to Pivot Podcast and March Forth Media has asked The Crazy Inventor to come back on her podcast. Elizabeth has also asked The Crazy Inventor to write an ongoing article/articles in her magazine – March Forth The Magazine.

The Crazy Inventor presented The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom at SpeakEasy Book Club in Kingston, NY. 

The Crazy Inventor has spoken multiple times at the Onteora, NY School Board. When he first started the school board wanted nothing to do with him, but now members of the school board feel his message is so important they have asked him to come back on a regular basis.


How you view yourself determines your success!
See how easily you can move into a positive future!

(YES! This Works Even If You've Tried Everything Else And Failed In The Past)

 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)


Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor Has Been Featured On:

Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor Has Also Been Mentioned On:

Teachers & School Librarians have taken it upon themselves to teach The Doorway to their classes after reading the book.

One teacher told The Crazy Inventor that there was an audible groan from the children when she told them she had to end The Doorway lesson for the day.

The Crazy Inventor taught class at St. Mary Of The Snow, Saugerties, NY – The Crazy Inventor was told that in two hours he reached students that they hadn’t been able to reach in years.

B&N bookstore, Kingston, NY felt that The Crazy Inventor’s message was so important they asked him to come teach the class a second time to the public.

The Crazy Inventor has been asked to speak at Woodstock, NY Book Day on an ongoing basis.

The Crazy Inventor spoke at Hurley Library, Hurley, NY – They want him to come back and teach The Doorway class.

The Crazy Inventor presented The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom at the Catskill Mountain Book Festival.

Elizabeth Miles from The Power to Pivot Podcast and March Forth Media has asked The Crazy Inventor to come back on her podcast. Elizabeth has also asked The Crazy Inventor to write an ongoing article/articles in her magazine – March Forth The Magazine.

The Crazy Inventor presented The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom at SpeakEasy Book Club in Kingston, NY. 

The Crazy Inventor has spoken multiple times at the Onteora, NY School Board. When he first started the school board wanted nothing to do with him, but now members of the school board feel his message is so important they have asked him to come back on a regular basis.

The time to achieve the freedom YOU deserve is NOW!

WARNING! What You Are About To Read You May Not Agree With But You Need
To Know The TRUTH…

You’ve been lied to your whole life since before you were born without even being aware of it...

You’ve been programmed to think and act a certain way that serves the people in power. This was designed to serve their best interests not yours.

You’ve been going through your life being trapped in situations where it’s a
constant struggle after struggle with no end to freedom in sight.

From set-backs to set-ups it has felt like the whole world has been against you.
It’s NOT your fault. 

You didn’t know you were being controlled to such an extent to where it’s become your only way of living.

Your worst enemy has been an enemy you don’t even know exists.

You weren’t supposed to succeed on your own, those who have been in control of you wanted you to rely on the support of them for your entire life. 

They gave you just enough to survive and follow their orders like a modern day slave.

Societal system as a whole has been programmed to keep running like it’s been
running to prevent you from ever finding out the truth of who you really are. 

This forces you to stay a slave to their system of control and manipulation.

You’re being shown Illusion after illusion but never seeing through the veil of lies
being displayed right before your eyes.

You’re being Conned day after day without even realizing…

Right wing, left wing, both part of the same system… Con

Believing one religion is better than another and that people who don’t believe
the way they believe are bad… Con

Thinking you’re never going to make it on your own without government
assistance… Con

That’s not the worst part. 

It’s the people in power from the past who also have been CONtrolled and are now CONtrolling you. 

They will CONtinue to CONtrol your life until we do something to change it.

The time has come to take back your power for good to experience a lifetime of
freedom you were supposed to be living once and for all.

Now You have the opportunity to easily see through the lies you’re being told.

You will be able to get rid of the past programming, along with your mental
baggage of carrying traumatizing burdens and fake information that are not yours to carry.

You can now EASILY change your life for the better by eliminating the negative
thoughts you have had about yourself. Now you can actually love yourself for who you really are! Discover how amazing you are!

The Truth will set you FREE…

Enter Into The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom which will give you control of your life, so you can live an abundant happy life of freedom that you
were meant to live starting TODAY!

Hi, I’m Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor, author of The Doorway - To A Lifetime
Of Freedom. 

I am giving away my Freedom Book Bundle which includes The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom along with everything needed to experience freedom to everyone who is suffering…

I wrote The Doorway for everyone who is carrying life-long baggage from the past that you have accumulated from years of manipulation, control, abuse, bullying, bad relationships, and other traumatic negative events that have severely affected your way of life.

You no longer have to carry your accumulated baggage that wasn’t yours to carry in the first place.

Now you can finally put it down and leave it behind in the past where it belongs.

No more being a slave to your mind or to the manipulation of others.

The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom Freedom Book Bundle gives you both
simple proven-to-work scientific techniques and shares inspiring, from terrible to
terrific, life-changing personal experiences in a visual story-telling picture book
along with powerful bonuses. 

It shows you how you can EASILY overcome all your obstacles, whatever they may be, so you can achieve the freedom you deserve!

Get the Freedom Book Bundle NOW For FREE For A Limited Time Only! (Only A
Few Copies Left)

From: Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor
Olivebridge, NY

Hello Friend,

Let me tell you a little bit about me and why I wrote The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom. A number of Years ago I took an aptitude test by Johnson O’Connor which revealed I have the aptitudes of an inventor. Since then I have acquired a patent on a basketball shooting accuracy trainer and worked on other patent pending inventions including an adult toy ;)

This is where the inventor in my name comes from and doctors most definitely
have decided that I am CRAZY. I believe in running at my problems head on. You
can’t deal with any problem unless you turn and face it. So if I’m crazy, I’ll deal
with it.

The next thing I would like you to know about me is that I’m extremely passionate about people.

I love bringing out the best in others. The reason I’m so passionate about helping
you is because of some of the hardships I went through as a child. As I share my
story with you, I do not want you to feel sorry for me. It’s not what I went through
that matters. What matters is what I learned from these hardships and the
incredibly simple techniques that were used to get me past all my baggage. Now you can benefit from these simple techniques and experiences.

Now to tell you the part of MY STORY that will matter to you... 

If I told you more than what I’m about to tell you, you probably wouldn’t even
believe me even with documented proof (of which I have).

I was born essentially blind and was misdiagnosed as being mentally slow. I had five older siblings. 

All of them straight A students. 

However when I, little Neal, came along it was a different story. 

To my parents and siblings I was mentally slow, and I was most definitely very clumsy. 

When it was time for me to read I couldn’t do it. 

My parents took me to see a doctor. 

They diagnosed (little Neal) as, and I’ll use this term once and only once, but it was the word that was used on me daily for my entire youth.

They diagnosed me as RETARDED. From this point on my parents, siblings, some teachers, and the kids at school called me the “little re---d”. Can you imagine the mental baggage that would accumulate from years and years of a child being treated this way by the people he trusted the most?

Nowadays we would say I was mentally challenged. However, this kind way of saying it was sadly not my experience.

My parents were thoroughly embarrassed.

How could they have five book geniuses and then have a mentally challenged child?!?!?

When they placed me in first grade I not only didn’t learn anything, I wouldn’t
even accept what the teacher was teaching. 

I was always asking questions and saying things like "I don’t believe you. Prove it."

My teacher became so angry with me she actually told my mother, with me present, I was a waste of time. 

Needless to say, I failed first grade.

Before I started first grade for the second time, someone suggested that my parents check my eyes. 

The eye doctor informed them that I, little Neal, was virtually blind. 

At this point you would think my parents would have been elated. 

"Little Neal’s not mentally slow, he’s blind.

But no, not my parents! 

They were horrified. 

They said, "Oh my God you’re not only mentally slow, but you’re blind too."

I know all this sounds terrible, but the universe works in extremely strange ways...

When I started 5th grade my parents sent me to a school for slow kids. There I met the first person who cared enough about me to look deeper, Mrs. Anderson.

This is the part you need to hear!

Mrs. Anderson did two extraordinary and yet unbelievably simple things. 

First she realized I was an extremely inquisitive little boy. 

I did not want to be told something was true, I wanted to be shown. 

The second thing she did - she told me I was smart

I was just a little boy who had been taught he was worthless, I looked
at her and said, "NO I'm stupid."

She looked me straight in the eye and said, "You’re smart and I'll prove it to you."

Mrs. Anderson then set out to have me do one assignment after another, which I was able to do. 

After each assignment, she would say, "See I told you, you are smart, and this proves it."

The negativity elsewhere continued, but after Mrs. Anderson taught me I was
smart, I no longer listened.

Now why did I tell you this story? 

I tell you this story so I can pass on to you what these events taught me. 

The first thing I learned is all it takes is one person to believe in someone to
completely change his or her life forever. This is the reason that I wrote The
Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom and it’s the reason I am giving the whole
Freedom Book Bundle away for FREE. I want to show you how easy it is to get
past your own personal mental baggage, stop being conned into thinking you’re
worthless for good, so you can experience a lifetime of freedom even if you don’t
think you can at the moment.

The second thing I learned is - because I spent the first six years of my life being
virtually blind, I had the privilege to get to know people by sensing their spirit
rather than seeing their physical form. This is why I know for a fact that you are
good, regardless of what your mental thoughts have been telling you. I’ve known that you are good all of my life. Now, together as we get rid of that baggage you will finally see the goodness in yourself. This will allow you to go after and achieve your DREAMS whatever they may be.

Make your DREAMS come true. Read The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom today.

“Once you know the simple techniques contained in The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom, the complete Limited Time Offer FREE Freedom book bundle, you will finally leave all your baggage

Problems Solved With The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom Book Bundle:

  • Ending the negative recording of toxic thoughts that is constantly running in your head saying you're not good enough by proving to you just how amazing you actually are even if everything in your life is showing you the opposite.
  • Overcoming years of negative programming that you've been CONditioned to accept as a part of you and erasing the mental illusions that are keeping you in a state of fear and CONfusion.
  • How to lovingly accept yourself completely for all that you are, even if you've never loved anyone before.
  • How to see the positive side of life more than the negative side so you can be happy.
  • How to bring your best self to the world without becoming someone different just to fit in with society.
  • And so much more you have to read it to receive it...

Positive Life Lessons The The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom Teaches:

  • Simple techniques to get rid of your mental baggage for good
  • Finding your passion without self-sacrifice
  • Self-acceptance and self-love
  • Thinking for yourself not what others want you to think
  • Setting Yourself Free From The Unknown CONtrol Others Have Over You
  • Making your own life extraordinary by being your best self

With This FREE Positively Life-Changing Book Bundle You Also Achieve These Things:

1. You get simple tools in The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom, that I, Neal used to get rid of my mental baggage (being blind, diagnosed as being mentally slow, and crazy, overcoming tragic early deaths of loved ones and more) so you can use these tools to put your own baggage down and leave it all behind for good.

2. You will save yourself years of countless trial and error trying to figure everything out on your own...

“Make Your Dreams Come True.”

Send Me Your Address...

While Supplies Last, WE ONLY HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES AVAILABLE. If You Order NOW, I’ll Rush A FREE Copy of My Brand New Book, The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom along with the complete FREEDOM BOOK BUNDLE to you so you can Get Started Living Your Best Life RIGHT AWAY!

For a LIMITED TIME ONLY, this Freedom Book Bundle is FREE so that you can
finally get rid of all your Mental Baggage for good and finally go after Your Dreams without anything holding you back. I'll pay for the book and bonuses for you and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost so we can send it to you wherever you are in the world! If you want to listen to the audiobook too, I also have that available for a small fee once you put your details in below...

When You Get This Positively Life-Changing Freedom Book Bundle... You will finally solve the problem of…


What do YOU really want? What’s freedom to YOU? 

Imagine for a moment that you’re living your best life free from everything that’s ever been holding you back from actually living it…

Are your personal dreams more money? A Loving Relationship? More Happiness? Is it more time to be with your family? or to travel around the world having fun?

The REAL question to ask yourself is, how do you easily go about getting rid of the baggage that is stopping you from achieving your personal dreams? 

The answer is The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom.

The sad fact is, if you don’t discover the simple ideas in The Doorway – To A
Lifetime Of Freedom Bundle, you may carry your mental baggage with you for
your entire life...

Get rid of your baggage for good starting as soon as today. You deserve to live
your dreams and live life to your fullest potential without being weighed down by things you can’t control.

Order your Limited Time Offer FREE Freedom Book Bundle NOW while you still

For a LIMITED TIME only, The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom Book Bundle is FREE so you can finally get rid of all your Mental Baggage for good and finally go after Your Dreams without anything stopping you. I'll pay for the book and bonuses all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost so we can send it to you wherever you are in the world! If you want to listen to the audiobook too, I also have that available for a small fee once you put your details in below...

What Are Others Already 
Saying About 'The Doorway?'

"What an honor to have Neal Brownell as a guest on our Which Way Podcast! As author of "The Doorway", his energy and positivity was contagious! If only we could all see people the way Neal does, the world would be a better place!

- Shari Simmons, LCSW, co-host of the Which Way? podcast, Author, Speaker, Consultant, and Executive Director of the Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center 

"Neal’s message is a much-needed one for all of us."

Karen Taylor-Good, Grammy-nominated songwriter, author, and speaker

"I can say I learned a lot while reading, and plan on using the advice in my everyday life. It was enjoyable, but also informative. I love the message.
- Danielle Breithaupt, College Student

"This book does not just present reading material, it makes you think and discover that although your perception of subjects may be different than others, it is just as important as any other. We are all great in our own way. This is what gives us purpose and allows
us to learn from each other.
- Cheryl Schuman

"Help with bullies. Help your friend. Help yourself. Suicide is real, but everyone is amazing. Don’t end it all, seek help. Read The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom written by Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor. Everyone is amazing, no matter what anyone says, and Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor will help you prove that to yourself.
- Jessica Cedeno, Registered Nurse

"I would highly recommend this book! It has helped me change my way of thinking in a more positive way.
- Brittany

"This book will change your life in the most positive way possible! You may start thinking it’s about one thing and then it’s really about another which is even better. 

I look at the world with a different view as if a rainbow appears around everyone thanks to this amazing book. Neal puts the concepts and topics into easy to understand stories with real life experiences and examples that make it thought provoking and an absolute joy to read.

I originally thought this book was about motivation but it’s really about self discovery using your own God given gifts. I rediscovered that every form of life is truly special in it’s own unique way and that we are all the same on the inside.

Get it for all the people you love who don’t feel like they’re good enough. Get it for all the people who hate and judge without reason. Get it for everyone you know. They’ll love you for changing their lives for the better.
By changing the lives of others, together we change the world. “Everyone is special.
- Shane Crown, CEO of ZEROMORPH

As You Can See...

The Doorway Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom Bundle Is For Everyone Who…

Wants To Experience A Lifetime Of Freedom…

Struggles With Depression…

Feels Like There’s No Hope Left…

Can’t Find Any Joy In Living…

Wants More Out Of Life…

Is Ready To Live Their Best Life But Can’t Figure Out How…

Deserves To Love Themselves…

Has Dreams That They Want To Come True…

Send Me Your Address Before It's Too Late...

Don’t regret not getting it while you have the chance RIGHT NOW. Get it for yourself or for someone you know who could really benefit from this life-changing Freedom Book Bundle.

Only A Few Books Left In Stock. Once They’re Gone They’re Gone. Act NOW so I
can rush a FREE copy of my brand new Book The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of
Freedom along with the FREEDOM BOOK BUNDLE to you so you can start living
your best life as soon as TODAY!

For a LIMITED TIME only, this Freedom Book Bundle is FREE so you can finally get rid of all your Mental Baggage for good and finally go after Your Dreams the way you were meant to. I'll pay for the book and bonuses for you all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it to you wherever you are in the world! If you want to listen to the audiobook too, I also have that available for a small fee once you put your details in below...

Limited Time Offer! Act NOW Or Miss Out Forever! 
Claim Your FREE Book Bundle & Get These Valuable Bonuses For FREE Too!

Bonus #1 - Mental Power: The Winning Formula To Mentally Succeed

"Discover the Simple mental exercises that are used by some of the most successful people in the world to get whatever they want in life. Now you can use these SECRETS to get what you want out of life!"

Total Value: $197.00

Once you know the secrets in Mental Power you will be on your way to your own personal success.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

Bonus #2 - 'Unlock Your True Potential' Aptitude Finder

"Discover your gifts with this Aptitude Finder. Once you unlock your true potential, there is no limit to what you can achieve!”

Total Value: $37.00

Many of us don’t know what our special gift to the world is. This special gift was
given to us at birth. It is something that comes so naturally that many of us don’t see it. Another word for this natural gift is our aptitude. Use this FREE Aptitude Finder to find your aptitudes.

“Discovering my aptitudes has helped me for more than 30 years to pursue my love of discovery.” – Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

Bonus #3 – Influencer Interviews - Tips & Tricks To Get Through Life With Common Sense Wisdom & Cutting Edge Science

"Neal shares his 64 years of stupid simple Common Sense Wisdom with Cutting Edge Science mixed in to show you how to easily get the best out of yourself day after day. Get access to ALL of the exclusive interviews to find out for yourself!"

Total Value: $297.00

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

Bonus #4 - 'Lifetime Of Freedom' Exclusive True Stories That Will Change Your Life In Such A Profound Way You’ll Thank Me Twice.

TRUE Personal Stories That Will Inspire, Motivate and Positively Transform Your Life Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

Total Value: $97.00

Stories To A Lifetime of Freedom is a priceless collection of in-depth soul touching thought-provoking real life stories of others to keep you motivated even when all hope feels lost.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

Bonus #5 - "How To Stop Worrying About What Other People Think Of You Handbook"

Take small steps to make big changes when it comes to comparing yourself to others.

Total Value: $97.00

Discover how you can love yourself more so that you do not need to be dependent at all on what anyone thinks about you.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

Bonus #6 - Become The Best Version Of Yourself Training Course + Guide

By shifting your focus to who you are and what you want out of life you can find your true self.

Total Value: $297.00

With this training course you will learn about your triggers, identify the things
that you want to change in your life, explore different sides of you, and, most of
all, find yourself again.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

Bonus #7 - Get What You Really Want Video Course + Workbook

You can get what you really want in your life when you know how to go about it in the right way.

Total Value: PRICELESS

How to Stop Making Excuses and Achieve Your Goals. Most people procrastinate
and never achieve their goals. Don’t let that be you! ‘Get What You Really Want’
is a priceless course to shortcut the process of achieving your goals.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Doorway Today! 

For a LIMITED TIME only, this Freedom Book Bundle is FREE so you can finally get rid of all your Mental Baggage for good and finally go after Your Dreams without anything holding you back. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.95 US or $19.95 International, anywhere in the world!

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This is NOT one of them. You will NOT be signing up for any trial to some monthly program or anything like that.

There's NO catch... NO gimmicks...  - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It's my way of saying thank you for entering into The Doorway and using the secrets inside.
  • ​My goal is to help as many people as possible experience a lifetime of freedom, the way I have, and achieve their dreams like they deserve without being taken advantage of any longer. So because of this, it helps everyone to share my best stuff with you for FREE. 
  • I get one of my life-changing products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to share it with others who can also benefit from it so together we can make a difference in as many lives as possible.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

We've only printed a limited supply of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is available. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get 
When You Order 'The Doorway' Today!

  • The Doorway - Physical Book + Digital Copy                        ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #1: Mental Power                                                ($197.00 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Aptitude Finder                                                ($37.00 Value)
  • Bonus #3: Influencer Interviews                                     ($297.00 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Stories To A Lifetime of Freedom                    ($97.00 Value)
  • Bonus #5: How To Stop Worrying Handbook                   ($97.00 Value)
  • Bonus #6: Be The Best Version Of Yourself Course      ($297.00 Value)
  • Bonus #7: Get What You Really Want Course        (PRICELESS Value)

Total Value: $1,119

Get Your Copy and BONUSES Today For


Just Cover Shipping On The Doorway

This Is Truly A Limited Time Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy NOW 
Before They're All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a physical book entitled, The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of
Freedom (that retails at $24.95) and exclusive bonuses for FREE to help you to get rid of your mental baggage for good and achieve all your DREAMS.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy and bonuses now. 
You’ll be thankful you did.

To Get Your FREE Book + BONUSES,


I'd like to rush a FREE physical copy of my brand new book, 
The Doorway and FREEDOM BOOK BUNDLE to you so you can Get Started RIGHT AWAY!


The Doorway is a book that helps people experience a lifetime of freedom. We make no claims or representation that by using The Doorway you will experience a lifetime of freedom. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of The Doorway. Their results are not typical, and your personal experience will vary.

Knowledge Is Freedom Publishing © 2019 - 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Website Made by ZEROMORPH

The Doorway - To A Lifetime Of Freedom

The Doorway is a book that helps people experience a lifetime of freedom. We make no claims or representation that by using The Doorway you will experience a lifetime of freedom. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of The Doorway. Their results are not necessarily typical and your personal experience will vary.

Knowledge Is Freedom Publishing © 2019 - 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Website Made by ZEROMORPH
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